
Proposal number 24/00957/FUL. Partial demolition of rear structures and roof structures. Erection of new rear extensions and associated roof terrace. Change of use of ground floor of No.12 High Street (Use Class E) to ancillary academic accommodation (Use Class F1). Alterations to retail shop frontages. Upgrade and improvements to the Covered Market. Alterations to roof structure and reinstatement of the internal ground floor of 12 High Street. Replacement fenestration. Provision of level access, cycle stores and bin stores. 

10 - 15 High Street And Part Of Covered Market, Market Street, Oxford, OX1 3DZ

Our Response:

Oxford Preservation Trust (‘OPT’) welcome the opportunity to review and submit comments on the above planning application for works to 10-15 High Street, Oxford. 

OPT welcome the restoration of the buildings, and particularly the works to the High Street elevation, including works to improve the appearance of the existing shop fronts, as this will benefit the wider appearance of this group of buildings located on a key street within the City & University Conservation Area, and one of the most significant streets within the City in terms of heritage. 

The redevelopment of the site also provides a good opportunity to improve the appearance and visibility of the three entrance passageways from the High Street into the Covered Market, and to strengthen the connection with the Market from the High Street side. It is important that the works proposed improve the accessibility into the Market for all with clear signage and detailing which links into the wider improvements proposed for the Market in the Covered Market Masterplan. 

The plans propose a roof terrace – but there are limited details on how this will actually be used. Will there be an area of seating? Lighting? The introduction of these elements could impact upon how visible this area becomes within elevated views across the city skyline. OPT would ask that more information is provided to clarify these points. 

Overall OPT are supportive of the works which will improve the overall appearance of these key buildings within the High Street. It is hoped that the restoration of these buildings could act as a catalyst and example for improving the overall appearance of the public realm along the High Street, and will provide the opportunity to improve connections with the Covered Market.