Privacy Notice

1. Introduction - This privacy notice sets out the way we process your information and details our privacy and fair processing policy. We will always refer to this notice when we ask you for your consent. We’ll keep this notice updated to show you all the things we do with your personal information so that you can be confident when sharing your information with us that it will be only used for what we say here.


2. How we use personal information - Personal information provided to us will be used for the purposes outlined at the time of collection or registration in accordance with the preferences you express. Personal data collected and processed by us may be used for the following purposes:

  • Administration of membership(s)

  • Fulfilment of orders for goods and services requested

  • Administration of donations and legacies

  • Communication about our conservation, membership, fundraising and other activities that we think may be of interest to you

Personal data collected and processed by us may be shared with the following groups where necessary:

  • Oxford Preservation Trust employees and volunteers

Also under strictly controlled conditions:

  • Contractors

  • Advisors

  • Agents

When we allow access to your information, we will always have complete control of what they see, what they allowed to do with it and how long they can see it.

We do not sell or share your personal information for other organisations to use.

You are always in control of how we communicate with you. You can update your choices by contacting the address in section 5 below.


3. Your Marketing Permissions - Oxford Preservation Trust always acts upon your choices around what type of communications you want to receive and how you want to receive them. However, there are some communications that need to happen regardless of your marketing preferences. These are what we would describe as essential communications to fulfil our promises to you as a member or buyer of goods or services from the Trust. Examples of this type of communication would be:

  • Transaction notification messaging, such as Direct Debit confirmation

  • Membership related mailings such as your renewal reminder, our regular newsletter and AGM notices



4. Accessing your personal data held by Oxford Preservation Trust - You have the right to ask us, in writing, for a copy of all the personal data held about you. This is known as a 'subject access request'. Your first subject access request will be supplied free of charge. Repeat subject access requests may incur an administration charge.

A copy will be sent to you as soon as possible but this will not be later than 40 days after your request.

If you would like to access your personal data held by us, please apply in writing to the Oxford Preservation Trust Data Controller:

Data Controller

Oxford Preservation Trust

10 Turn Again Lane




5. Updating and amending your personal information - You can update your contact preferences any time online at:

You can also update your personal data or contact preferences by emailing us at:

or by writing to:

Oxford Preservation Trust

10 Turn Again Lane



Verification, updating or amendment of personal data will take place within 28 days of receipt of your request.


6. Cookies - Cookies are small text files which are stored on your electronic device when you visit our website. Please read our cookies and accessibility policy ( ) for more information.


7. Links to third party websites - This privacy policy applies solely to the personal data collected by Oxford Preservation Trust and does not apply to third party websites and services that are not under our control.

We cannot be held responsible for the privacy policies of third party websites and we advise users to read the privacy policies of other websites before registering any personal data.


8. Security - Oxford Preservation Trust takes the security of your personal information very seriously and takes appropriate steps to ensure that your data is securely stored.

Only authorised personnel are able to access your personal information and all personal information is transferred using secure processes. Our processes and systems are regularly reviewed to ensure they remain secure.

We only hold your personal information for as long as is necessary for us to administer our relationship with you.

If we dispose of your information, it will always be done so securely.


9.  What this policy notice tells you and how it is updated - This policy notice contains information regarding our privacy and fair processing policy and we refer to it when we ask you for your consent. This notice will be updated from time to time to reflect the latest view of what we do with your data.

To obtain a hard copy of this policy call us on 01865 242 918 or write to: Oxford Preservation Trust, 10 Turn Again Lane, Oxford OX1 1QL.