Planning Application: 

25/00076/ADV | Display of 1no. internally illuminated fascia sign, 1no. internally illuminated projecting sign, 1no. internally illuminated LED screen sign and 1no. internally illuminated ATM sign. | 129 High Street Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 4DF

Our Response:

We object to this planning application. Oxford’s High Street is internationally significant for its exceptional architecture and townscape beauty, described as ‘one of the world’s great streets’ by Sir Nikolaus Pevsner. Its gentle curve towards Magdalen Bridge constantly reveals new views and buildings, with narrow tenement plots revealing the layout of the medieval town.

The application site is within the Central Conservation Area, in the immediate setting of a number of historic buildings. The Shopfronts and Signage Technical Advice Note (TAN) is explicit in discouraging internally illuminated projecting signs and fascias, particularly where they could adversely affect historic buildings or conservation areas. The TAN also discourages the use of internal LED signs in order to avoid light pollution, contrary to Local Plan Policy DH6.