Planning Application:

24/02999/LBC | Removal of existing modern partition walls and suspended ceilings throughout. Creation of a new doorway between no. 133 and no.134 on the third floor. Installation of new fire doors and works to improve fire safety. Alterations of signage to front elevation. Creation of a soil pipe exit on the second floor. Upgrades to electrical services. | Offices Above 133 - 134 High Street Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 4DN

Our Response:

Oxford Preservation Trust are generally supportive at the prospect of a new public use for 133-134 High Street, being such a central location within the city centre. Given the heritage significance of the site, it is unfortunate that the proposed works do not take advantage of the opportunity to improve and replace previous unsympathetic changes to the fenestration (133 High Street). The reinstatement of a façade more in keeping with the historic high street would greatly improve the appearance of the wider setting of the High Street.