Planning Application:
24/02371/FUL | Demolition of existing retail buildings and erection of two laboratory and office buildings for research and development, as well as flexible ground floor commercial space (Use Class E). Provision of a cycle parking store, altered vehicular access onto Botley Road, a plant, landscaping and associated works. | 195 Botley Road And Units 1 And 1A Botley Retail Park Botley Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX2 0HY
Our Response:
We object to this application. Botley Road is one of the principal routes in to the city centre from the West. This application site sits on a corner plot between Botley Road and Lamarsh Road. This is an area characterised by two-storey commercial units and two-storey semi-detached houses.
The amendments to this application do not address the issues raised in our previous letter, submitted on 13/11/24. The proposed building’s height still exceeds the limit set out in the Botley Road Technical Advice Note (TAN 17) by over 10 meters. The proposed development would have an adverse effect on views both towards and out from the city centre.