
Proposal number 24/01765/VAR. Variation of condition 2 (Develop in accordance with approved plans) of planning permission 23/01775/FUL (Demolition of existing side extension above garage. Erection of a single storey side extension (over garage). Erection of a lower ground and ground floor rear extension. Replacement of existing garage. Replacement of side lean-to to side elevation. Formation of a new lower ground floor entrance with associated steps access to front garden. Removal of existing rear bay windows. Alterations to 1no. window to side elevation. Associated landscaping to front. (Amended plans)) to allow the installation of iron gates to front and rear of the property, alterations to location of 1no. ground floor window from side elevation to rear elevation, alterations to side extension roof from glass to mono pitched slate roof, alterations to bay window fenestration.  

20 Norham Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX2 6SF

Our Response:

OPT are in principle support of the applicants proposal, but would like to raise concern over the lack of evidence provided in the plans regarding the design and location of the proposed ‘iron gates to the front and rear of the property.’ The reinstatement of North Oxfords iron railings and gates is a central mission for the Trust but the inappropriate use of ‘patterns’ in areas, and to properties, which are not historically accurate poses potential harm to the legibility of the wider areas development and history. 

OPT would like to refer the applicant to ‘North Oxford Railings: A Guide to Design, Repair and Reinstatement.’ This document produced in collaboration between the Oxford Preservation Trust and Oxford City Council provides a guidance, to help inform decisions made when reinstating railings in North Oxford. OPT urge the officer to consider this guidance, and request further information regarding the proposed Gates and their design.


Approval granted.