
24/02510/RES | Reserved matters application for the provision of a community centre and public open space surrounding the community centre and block A. | Blackbird Leys Community Centre Blackbird Leys Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 6HW

Our Response:

We support the proposed development in principle, noting the critical role which the previous community centre played in providing local amenity space throughout its 60-year tenure. Though the increased space and improved services will doubtless bring benefits to local residents, we have reservations over the proposed materials and colour pallet for the external elevations. 

Whilst certainly providing “..a distinctive building which acts as a wayfinding marker” (reference from applicants Design and Access Statement), the proposed use of yellow, black and blue on the external elevations raises concerns over how this building will sit within the wider street scene. 

We urge Officers to consider whether the use of such colours will result in a building that will sit comfortably with its neighbours.