proposal number 24/00889/FUL. Installation of 13no. air source heat pumps with enclosures and associated works (Amended plans)
Environment Agency Western Division, Bridge Street, Oxford, OX2 0AZ
Our Response:
Oxford Preservation Trust (‘OPT’) welcome the opportunity to review and submit comments on the above planning application for the installation of 13no. air source heat pumps at the Environment Agency’s depot on Osney Island.
OPT supports the wider DEFRA decarbonization project which seeks to retrofit some of their existing buildings with sustainable, renewable energy sources. The planning application seeks to install 13 air source heat pumps on their existing site to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels.
The principal of such development is supported, however OPT would ask whether a less prominent site could be found within the depot area to accommodation the pumps.
The cluster of 11 pumps, with its 2.5m tall barrier compound is located in very close proximity to the River Thames and could be visible from the adjoining Tow Path. The submitted planning statement states that the proposals have been located so they will not be visible in the public domain (paragraph 6.6) however OPT considers that the enclosure will be visible within a number of views from the towpath which runs in close proximity to the site.
We would urge the applicants to consider whether there is a less visible location within the depot that could be considered to accommodate the development.
Application refused.