Proposal number 24/01291/FUL. Replacement of an existing 4m stub mast with a new 8m version. Installation of GPS modules, antennas, and ancillary equipment fixed to headframe, and associated works. (amended description)
British Telecom, St Luke's Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX4 3JF
Our Response:
Oxford Preservation Trust (OPT) welcomes this opportunity to comment on the above planning application.
OPT appreciate the need to improve network connectivity infrastructure, but would like to note concern with the height of the applicants proposed stub mast, which doubles from the antenna in situ.
It is the view of the Trust that a thorough visual impact assessment, including views both in to and out from the City, should be conducted to better gauge the impact which the proposed stub mast would have. This would allow a measured decision to be made whether the proposal is appropriate in its setting, as the Trust believe current considerations for the visual impact of the proposal are insufficient considering the scale of the proposed mast and the sensitivity of the site.
Permission Granted.