Planning Application:
25/00193/FUL | Partial demolition of the rear of Cantay House. Alterations to front elevation to match existing buildings and installation of signage. Refurbishment of existing building to include; erection of part three storey, part two storey rear extensions, formation of new spiral staircase and new fire escape, alterations to fenestration, installation of lighting, proposed metal louvred plant screen, metal balustrades around rooftop terrace, PV panels and all stonework and brickwork to be cleaned and repaired. Change Of Use of the ground floor to provide new Class E uses, including flexible floorspace for the provision of drinking establishments (with or without expanded food provision) including live music, restaurant, live music venue or event space (Sui Generis), and upper floors to Class E (office) floorspace. Provision of external bin and cycle storage, boundary fencing, substation, parking, landscaping, access and ancillary works. (amended description) | Cantay House 36 - 39 Park End Street Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 1JD
Our Response:
We support this planning application. Built for Archer, Cowley & Co. by Oxford architects Tollit and Lee in 1901, Cantay House was designed to be the public face of the firm who were the prime shippers to the administrators of the British Empire. The façade later became a prominent feature of the company’s advertisements, attempting to impress potential customers with its ornate design.
We support the retention of original features, including the mosaic tiled flooring and Crittall windows, as well as the reactivation of the Park End Street façade. Reinstating commercial use to these shop fronts will improve the public realm.