
Applications 24/01900/FUL & 24/01901/LBC. Removal of Library plant room extension and associated chimney. Removal of partition walls. Refurbishment and extension of Christ Church Library. Refurbishment of the Picture Gallery and remodelling of the Canterbury 4 building to provide a new print centre. Formation of garden wall to south elevation. Installation of lift. Insertion of 2no. gates to south elevation.

Our Response:

OPT was shown the plans and given a tour of the site at the pre-application stage. It was helpful to get an insight into longstanding operational challenges and the context of the proposed development site. 

This is a highly sensitive site, with the Grade I-listed library and Canterbury 4 buildings, the Grade II* Powell and Moyer Picture Gallery being affected by the works. The Design, Access and Heritage Statement provides useful background to the historical development of the College. 

Overall OPT supports the proposals, and each of the elements is discussed in more detail below. 

Library Extension 

OPT supports the location and design of the Library extension, which is informed by a thorough understanding of the history of the site. 18th century prints show the newly completed south elevation of the Library building backing onto a range of (now lost) secondary buildings. The placing of an extension along the line of these buildings restores this relationship and avoids any impact on Peckwater Quad. 

OPT supports the aspiration to improve accessibility, especially to the first floor reading room which can currently only very limited numbers are able to enjoy. OPT welcomes design refinements to the proposed new stair tower, made since the scheme that was presented at pre-application stage. The stair tower is the scheme’s most visible new element, sitting in a number of views. Given the need to improvement accessibility, OPT considers that any potential impact on views is outweighed by the benefits this element of the proposals will bring. 

Picture Gallery 

The application clearly sets out the current issues with this Grade II* listed building, which includes substandard storage facilities, poor access and far from ideal conditions for the main gallery space. OPT supports proposals to improve accessibility for disabled persons between the principal floors and works to upgrade other parts of the building, which will address the current issues without compromising the significance and unique character of the listed building. 

Canterbury 3 & 4 

The Canterbury Building 4 is also a Grade I listed building, constructed in the 1790’s and extended to the south with the construction of the Powell and Moya Picture Gallery in the 1960’s. OPT supports the proposed internal works. 

The energy statement submitted refers to the addition of roof-mounted PV panels on Canterbury 4, these are also shown the proposed roof drawing for this part of the proposals. If panels are to be used, very careful consideration needs to be given to the impact on the heritage significance of the building itself, and its wider surroundings. It would be useful for the submitted visual impact assessment to include an assessment of whether the proposed PV panels will be visible in any elevated viewpoints – for example Carfax Tower or St Mary’s Tower. 

Overall, despite the highly historical significance of the site, OPT supports the proposals which are sensitive, logical and informed by a thorough understand of the history and character of the existing buildings.