Larkins Lane Green Spaces Volunteering

Green Spaces Volunteering - Larkins Lane Field

All ages and abilities are welcome.

At Larkins Lane Field, our team will be doing a range of tasks to continue opening up this green space.

Meet at 9.30am: Walk down Larkins Lane and go through the gate and along the short path into the field.

Buses: 8 city bus to Headington Shops (Stop HS4) and then a 10 minute walk.

Parking: Limited street parking so we advise you to pay to park in the Waitrose car park and walk from there.

Cycling: No nearby cycle stands but for the volunteering you’re welcome to wheel bikes onto the field.

Please bring your own gardening gloves, hydrating drink, a snack, sturdy shoes/boots, and suitable weather-related layers. No experience necessary. Tools will be provided. Nearest toilets are at local pubs.

For more information and to sign up please contact our office at: and read the risk assessment below.

You can register your interest for this event beforehand or just turn up on the day.

Event Information

28th February 2025
09:30 - 12:30
Green Spaces Volunteering - Larkins Lane
Non-member price
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