Green Spaces Volunteering - Larkins Lane - OCV weekend task
Larkins Lane
All ages and abilities are welcome.
At Larkins Lane Field, the main task Oxford Conservation Volunteers (OCV) will be doing is installing a raised boardwalk in the area of the fen restoration. There will be plenty of other tasks to keep everyone busy including landscaping around the boardwalk, nettle cutting, bramble bashing and creating dead hedges.
Meet at 9.30am: Walk down Larkins Lane and go through the gate and along the short path into the field.
Buses: 8 city bus to Headington Shops (Stop HS4) and then a 10 minute walk.
Parking: Limited street parking so we advise you to pay to park in the Waitrose car park and walk from there.
Cycling: No nearby cycle stands but for the volunteering you’re welcome to wheel bikes onto the field.
Please bring your own gardening gloves, hydrating drink, a snack, sturdy shoes/boots, and suitable weather-related layers. No experience necessary. Tools will be provided. Nearest toilets are at local pubs.
For more information and to sign up please contact our office at: and read the risk assessment below. OCV will lead the tasks and will give additional safety instructions on the day.
You can register your interest for this event beforehand or just turn up on the day.