Schwarzman Centre

The Stephen A. Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities


The Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities, due to open in October 2025, will create a physical focus for Humanities at Oxford University, bringing together seven faculties, two institutes and seven libraries in a new energy-efficient and accessible building. The Centre will welcome local residents and visitors to Oxford, with a café and green spaces, and a programme of performances, exhibitions and events open to all. Venues in the building include a 500-seat concert hall, a black box experimental performance space, a theatre and an exhibition hall. Activities in the building and collaborations with external partners will create new networks and connections within Oxford University, and for the University with the local community, visitors to Oxford, the creative arts and cultural institutions locally, nationally and internationally, schools, other higher education institutions and many other organisations. 

Visit us in September 2024 to hear more about our plans and see how the construction of the building is progressing.

Partially accessible - Disabled access to Visitors' Centre, but not to upper levels of the site cabins.

Event Information

14th September 2024
10:00 - 16:00