
Application number P24/V1515/FUL. Demolition of dwelling and erection of replacement Passivhaus dwelling. 

Hartford Greys, Sandy Lane, Boars Hill, Oxford, OX1 5HN

Our Response:

Oxford Preservation Trust (OPT) welcomes the opportunity to comment in support of the above planning application.

Though OPT are in principle opposed to demolition where alternate decisions can be reached, the Trust are satisfied that the deterioration of the current property structurally has advanced to a point where demolition is the only viable option.

OPT are supportive of the proposed development and are encouraged by the applicants commitment to achieving Passivhaus standards in an attempt to offset some of the embodied carbon released during the demolition of the extant structure. OPT also commend the applicants attention to the public realm, noting the significant improvements to the setting of the Elizabeth Daryush Memorial Garden through the use of natural materials and reduced massing along the abutting elevation especially when compared with the existing property.  We can confirm that no works are planned to the Memorial Garden as part of these proposals.

OPT’s decision to support this application is also reinforced by the extended tradition of architect-designed houses on Boars Hill.