Planning Application:


24/01274/VAR | Variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans), Condition 33 (Compliance Energy Statement) and Condition 36 (Location of Solar Panels) of planning permission 21/01217/FUL (Erection of 80 residential dwellings (use class C3) formed of 13 one-bedroom apartments and 28 two-, 35 three- and 4 four-bedroom houses with associated public open space, access and landscaping (Amended plans)) to allow a revised site layout and amendments to the design and layout of dwellings. | Land To The West Of Mill Lane Marston Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 0QA


Our Response:

OPT would like to reiterate previous comments in objection to planning application reference 21/01217/FUL, which unfortunately remain applicable to this variation of condition application. We maintain that the City Council has responsibility for ensuring that emerging developments around the edge of the city provide high quality, well designed housing, which also respects and enhances the character of the surrounding area.

The modular design of dwellings that is now being proposed demonstrates a complete failure to enhance or respond to the application site’s surrounding area. The application site’s location within close proximity to the meadows of the River Cherwell, and the adjoining Old Marston Conservation Area creates an opportunity to design a development which takes reference from the unique local character.

We find it unfortunate that the modular approach is now being proposed – which appears to just copy and paste a generic housing style with no attempt to make reference with the surrounding architectural styles.