Matthew Arnold Progress 2024

OPT Annual Green Spaces Progress Outing

Last week, on a delightfully sunny evening, we held our annual Green Spaces Progress outing.  The focus this year was Boars Hill and to see the outcome of the OPT project ‘Rejuvenating Boars Hill’s Woodlands’. In 2018, we were awarded a fund by Network Rail (managed by Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment) to open up three areas of woodland and increase biodiversity. It was useful to gather together trustees, vice presidents, committee members, our land agent, volunteers, a representative from the parish council and members of the Boars Hill Association to visit two of the three locations supported by the fund and see the progress we've made.

Whilst visiting Matthew Arnold field and reserve we enjoyed a fascinating presentation from our ecologist Rod d’Ayala about the work he’s done there to restore the valley fen. We had various opportunities to point out and celebrate work done by OPT volunteers, volunteer groups (Abingdon Green Gym & Oxford Conservation Volunteers) and our partners (David & Lynne Haynes). We thanked them, along with Rod, for all that they do to help keep our green spaces accessible and their support in the conservation of the various habitats.

We then walked through Jarn Heath (another area opened up using the Network Rail funding) and explored Jarn Mound and the Wild Garden to consider Arthur Evans’ original design of the garden. It was fantastic to get everyone together and engage with OPT green spaces and to have the opportunity to share their thoughts and expertise.  We continued the evening at The Merry Miller in Cothill where we enjoyed an excellent supper and more discussion.