two people peeking out from behind a tree

OPT Team complete Carbon Literacy Training

Louise Lockyer


Today is Earth Day! Established in 1970 this annual event aims to promote activities and discussions around reducing environmental impact.

At OPT a lot of the work we are involved with, be it land management, planning or heritage are all linked with high environmental impacts. So we are constantly looking for ways to reduce our own carbon footprint along with encouraging sustainable development throughout Oxford and beyond.

We are therefore so pleased that Louise (Heritage & Membership Officer) and Nina (Development & Communications Officer) have recently undergone training with the Carbon Literacy Project and are delighted they have both been accredited as Carbon Literate. This training will help us ensure that within all aspects of our work we are more aware of the environmental impact of our actions and how best to reduce our carbon footprint.

With thanks to the Heritage Trust Network for providing the opportunity for this training.