
24/02697/FUL | Formation 1no. rear dormer and insertion of 3no. rooflights to front elevation in association with a loft conversion. Alterations to existing rear outrigger roof from gable to mono-pitched roof. Installation of PV panels to front and side elevations. Installation of 1no. air handling unit to rear first floor terrace. Alterations to first floor rear balustrade. | 1 Marlborough Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 4LW

Our Response:

We object on the grounds that the proposed dormer would result in a unacceptably prominent addition that would harm the character and appearance of the wider street scene.

Located adjacent to the River Thames, Marlborough Road is a residential street characterised by its two-storey terraced houses. 

This relatively uniform streetscape would be harmed by the addition of the proposed works, with the rear dormer and alterations being unacceptably prominent due to the location of No.1 Marlborough Road on the end of the Terraced Row, and the visibility of the property from the adjacent public realm and Thames Path. 

OPT would like to refer Officers to the planning history of this property, which consists of previous attempts to unsympathetically extend the property upwards, increasing massing and height, each of which has been met with refusal or withdrawn (14/03387/H42; 20/02726/DW56; 22/01914/FUL; 23/01928/FUL). The Trust would like to politely direct the Officers towards the Decision Reports under the most recent planning application 23/01928/FUL and subsequent appeal APP/G3110/D/23/3334195, which found alteration of a similar scale to those proposed in the above planning application to have a detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the street scene, contrary to Policy DH1 of the Oxford Local Plan 2036.