Planning Application:
P24/S1336/FUL | Construction and operation of a solar farm with all associated works, equipment, necessary infrastructure and biodiversity net gains- known as 'Nuneham Solar Farm'.(Hard copies of the Environmental Statement can be found at South Oxfordshire District Council, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon OX14 3JE). (Additional Information received 30 August 2024, updated highway plans received 2 October 2024 and additional and amended information received 25 October 2024 and 3 February 2025) | Land north-west of Nuneham Courteney situated to the west of the A4074 north of Upper Farm and south of Lower Farm
Our Response:
OPT uphold previous objections and having reviewed the additional heritage addendum do not agree with the conclusions. We continue to believe that the proposed solar farm will cause substantial harm to the settings of the village of Nuneham Courtney and the Grade I listed Nuneham Registered Park and Gardens.
There is no need to reiterate our comments in this letter, and would refer Officers to our earlier submissions which we still feel highlight the relevant issues for consideration with regard to the impacts on the various heritage assets which will be detrimentally impacted.
We do note that the addendum suggests no site visit took place previous to the most recent addendum being prepared, to Nuneham Registered Park and Garden. We question how any of the previous assertions of “less than substantial harm” could have been made when no site visit had taken place at that stage to properly consider the impacts.