
Application number P24/V2304/FUL. The installation of 3 no. sports canopies over existing Padel courts.

Oxford Sports Club Southern Bypass Oxford OX2 0NA

Our Response:

Based on the information provided, OPT have concerns with regard to the current proposals due to their potential to impact upon protected views of the City of Oxford. 

As Officers will be aware the application site is located within the Oxford Green Belt, and also lies within very close proximity to two identified and protected view cones into the City, namely the Raleigh Park and Boars Hill View Cones. As such, the site is very sensitive to any inappropriate development that could potentially impact upon these views. 

OPT and English Heritage jointly produced the ‘Assessment of the Oxford View Cones’ report in 2015 –  and this sets out a full analysis of the sensitivity of each of these protected areas. The report identifies the Boars Hill view as one of the most famous and unspoilt views of Oxford, and as such any development proposed within this area must be sensitive to the potential impacts of harming this view. OPT consider, that based on the information provided, the creation of 3 sports canopies over the existing padel courts has potential to significantly impact, and detract from, this view.

The increased massing of the application site is tantamount to creating a two storey building topped with bright white canvas. OPT believe this application to pose a significant threat to views both in to and out from the city, significantly detracting from historic views from Boars Hill.

OPT urge officers to consider the significance of the Boars Hill view cones when assessing this application, and politely request that a view impact assessment be required in order to properly assess the proposals potential impacts.