Planning Application: 

24/03019/CT3 | Display of 5no. non-illuminated freestanding signs (Retrospective) | The Roundabout the Plain Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 1AS

Our Response:

We object to this application. The Plain is described in the St Clement’s and Iffley Road Conservation Area Appraisal as an area of open space surrounded by buildings. The document tells us that this central green space and its mature trees and planting are key features of the plain and central to its distinction as a character area. The ensemble of green space, Victoria Fountain and Magdalen Bridge forms an attractive gateway to and from the city of Oxford.

The proposed signs detract from the open character of this central green space and harms the important views towards and away from the city.

The Plain roundabout has historic significance as a medieval burial ground. Formerly attached to the 12th-century Church of St Clement’s, the burial ground survived the church’s demolition in 1828. It was not until the development of the roundabout in 1950 that the burial ground was lost. The site’s former use and its historic interest make the proposal inappropriate.

The application site is located next to the Grade II listed Victoria Fountain. The adverts have a direct, adverse impact on the setting of this designated heritage asset. The site’s proximity to a designated heritage asset and its location within a conservation area warrants a heritage impact assessment. The lack of such a document shows the applicant’s failure to consider the historic environment.

High volumes of traffic on the roundabout have led to a number of serious collisions in recent years, some resulting in fatalities. To improve the safety of the roundabout for both pedestrians and road users, we recommend reducing the quantity of distracting visual clutter.