Application Number 24/02066/FUL. Change of use from light industrial use (Class E (g)(iii)) to residential dwellings (Use Class C3). Erection of a first floor rear extension and redevelopment of existing building to create 4 x 1 and 5 x 2 bedroom flats (Use Class C3). Insertion of rooflights and installation of PV panels to front elevation. Formation of front access ramp and steps. Alterations to roof, fenestration and landscaping. | Works Crescent Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 2PB
Our Response:
The existing Printworks building, located on Crescent Road holds social and historic value due to its historical use in this part of Oxford, its local significance is confirmed by its inclusion on the City Council’s Local Heritage Asset Register.
OPT support the conversion of the printworks to a residential use, delivering much needed housing on a previously developed site within the City. The Trust are encouraged by the applicants commitment to the retention of the existing historic fabric where possible, an attribute which significantly reduces the projects embodied carbon whilst preserving locally significant historic fabric. Though OPT broadly support the conversion of the Printworks, it is imperative that due care is taken to respect the original character of the building and its immediate setting. Retention of existing windows and openings as well as fittings and features such as the ‘Print Works’ entrance sign contribute towards this goal.
The siting of domestic paraphernalia has the potential to harm the overall character and appearance of the building – which should ideally remain ‘light industrial’ in appearance. OPT recommends care is taken in the management of external areas to ensure this is appropriately managed.