Application number 24/01631/FUL. Demolition of existing office buildings (Use Class E). Erection of 3no. laboratory enabled office buildings (Use Class E), 1 no. building to accommodate car and bicycle parking facilities and mechanical plant and 1no. building to accommodate mechanical plant and amenity space. Provision of new access arrangements, landscaping and external cycle parking.
Sandford Gate, Sandy Lane, West Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX4 6LB
Our Response:
Oxford Preservation Trust (OPT) welcome the opportunity to view and comment upon the submitted plans for the above planning application.
The Trust accepts that the Sandford Gate business park has been marked as an area for change in the adopted local plan, but raise issue with the demolition of the extant buildings, noting it as regrettable in terms of sustainable development. Any Energy Statement which is produced to support the scheme should clearly assess the full carbon cost of demolition and new build, using a whole life carbon assessment. The proposed replacement buildings should also achieve the highest possible standards of sustainability to mitigate against the impacts of demolition.
OPT are pleased to see reference to the potential reinstatement of the Cowley Branch Line in the Active Travel Audit, and that consideration has been made regarding the access to the site from the station.
This application was approved at committee.