
24/02616/FUL | Formation of rooftop terrace with a single storey outdoor kitchen building, pergolas, seating, outdoor planters, terrace decking, balustrades and associated works. Erection of a single storey extension to existing air conditioning compound and single storey extension to existing rooftop extension. Extension of escape stairs to side elevation. | St Aldate's Chambers 109 - 113 St Aldate's Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 1DS

Our Response:

Oxford Preservation Trust (OPT) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the proposed formation of a rooftop terrace and associated development at numbers 109-113, St Aldate’s.

Based on the level of information provided Oxford Preservation Trust object to the application on the basis of the potential for the scheme to detrimentally impact views out across the historic roofscape within the city from elevated public vantage points.

The proposal seeks permission for the addition of an outdoor kitchen, seating areas, timber cladding and pergola and outdoor planters on an existing flat roof area within the heart of the city centre. The use of timber cladding, planters and external lighting are all uncharacteristic features for this location. If you refer to the Central (University and City) Conservation Area Appraisal – this part of the city (Conservation Area Character Zone – Medieval and Commercial Core) is characterised by “lively roofscapes of pitched tile roofs”.

The supporting planning statement states that the proposed development will not be visible from Carfax Tower and is “…unlikely to be seen from the public realm. This is not substantiated by any visual impact appraisal to confirm where the rooftop terrace will or will not be visible from. We would expect the applicants to have considered and assessed a number of views including those from St Georges Tower and St Mary’s Tower, which would constitute public realm and publically accessible.

Based on the information provided, and lack of robust assessment of all possible elevated public vantage points, OPT consider that the proposed addition of additional structures and equipment at rooftop level, in materials not traditionally found in this area, will harm the character and appearance of the roofscape within the conservation area.


The above application was refused by Officers.