Proposal number 24/00632/FUL. Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a two storey building to create 1 x 2 and 1 x 3 bed dwellinghouses (Use Class C3). Erection of 2 x 1 bed annexes to rear. Formation of a dropped kerb to front. Installation of ground level solar panels to rear. Provision of car parking, bin and cycle storage as well as private amenity space. Alterations to landscaping. (amended description and plans and additional reports)
40 – 42 Van Diemans Lane, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 3QD
Our Response:
Oxford Preservation Trust (OPT) welcome the opportunity to view and comment upon the submitted plans for the above planning application. We wish to highlight the issue of embodied carbon with regard to the potential demolition of the existing dwellinghouses at 40 and 42 Van Diemans Lane.
It is vital for sustainability to be at the heart of all new development, both within Oxford and globally, this is reflected in both local and national government policy. The climate change crisis continues to pose a significant threat to all, and it is therefore imperative that we change the way we design and construct buildings. By taking action now we can commit to working towards creating healthier, and a more sustainable environment for future generations.
OPT note that there is little reference or consideration of the impact that demolition of the existing properties will have on carbon emissions within the submitted Energy Statement. Knocking down existing buildings releases embodied cardon dioxide (CO2) which is stored inside them and contributes towards climate change. This impact needs to be put into the overall balance when assessing the sustainability of proposals. It appears no calculations measuring the impact of the embodied energy have been submitted as part of the application and no justification is given for the demolition of the existing property.
In accordance with Oxford City Council’s Policy RE1: Sustainable Design and Construction within the Adopted Oxford Local Plan 2036, it states:
“Planning permission will only be granted where it can be demonstrated that the following sustainable design and construction principles have been incorporated, where relevant: Maximising energy efficiency and the use of low carbon energy”
OPT believe that in order to carry out a thorough and balanced review of the proposals, more analysis and evidence should be provided by the applicants on the impact of demolishing the existing dwelling before the application is determined.
Approval granted.